Node.js controlling no of post calls per second -

i subscribing inhouse api (post request) restricts me make 5 calls per second.

node.js being used make these rest api calls.

how write code restrict no. of api calls invoked per second ?

use setinterval(makeapicall, 200); execute api calls every 200 milliseconds.

every execution of makeapicall function make 1 call queue.

var queue = [     {         arg1 : 'arg1value',         arg2 : 'arg2value'     },     {         arg1 : 'arg1value',         arg2 : 'arg2value'     } ];  setinterval(function() {     var arguments = queue[0];      // api call function, using arguments     makeapicall(arguments.arg1, arguments.arg2);      // remove queue     queue.splice(0, 1); }, 200); 


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