algorithm - Is it possible to compute the minimum of a set of numbers modulo a given number in amortized sublinear time? -

is there data structure representing large set s of (64-bit) integers, starts out empty , supports following 2 operations:

  • insert(s) inserts number s s;
  • minmod(m) returns number s in s such s mod m minimal.

an example:

     insert(11)     insert(15)     minmod(7) -> answer 15 (which mod 7 = 1)     insert(14)     minmod(7) -> answer 14 (which mod 7 = 0)     minmod(10) -> answer 11 (which mod 10 = 1) 

i interested in minimizing maximal total time spent on sequence of n such operations. possible maintain list of elements s , iterate through them every minmod operation; insert o(1) , minmod o(|s|), take o(n^2) time n operations (e.g., n/2 insert operations followed n/2 minmod operations take n^2/4 operations).

so: possible better o(n^2) sequence of n operations? maybe o(n sqrt(n)) or o(n log(n))? if possible, interested know if there data structures additionally admit removing single elements s, or removing numbers within interval.

another idea based on balanced binary search tree, in keith's answer.

suppose inserted elements far stored in balanced bst, , need compute minmod(m). consider our set s union of subsets of numbers, lying in intervals [0,m-1], [m, 2m-1], [2m, 3m-1] .. etc. answer among minimal numbers have in each of intervals. so, can consequently lookup tree find minimal numbers of intervals. it's easy do, example if need find minimal number in [a,b], we'll move left if current value greater a, , right otherwise, keeping track of minimal value in [a,b] we've met far.

now if suppose m uniformly distributed in [1, 2^64], let's calculate mathematical expectation of number of queries we'll need.

for m in [2^63, 2^64-1] we'll need 2 queries. probability of 1/2.
m in [2^62, 2^63-1] we'll need 4 queries. probability of 1/4.
mathematical expectation sum[ 1/(2^k) * 2^k ], k in [1,64], 64 queries.

so, sum up, average minmod(m) query complexity o(64*logn). in general, if m has unknown upper bound, o(logmlogn). bst update is, known, o(logn), overall complexity in case of n queries o(nlogm*logn).


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