java - Viewpager but not responding to clicklistener/ -

i have bug kind of know going on not sure hoo solve it.

i have viewpager each individual fragment contains 2 more fragment -- front side , side. app flashcard app can swipe next card , when click it turns other side.

my problem: have set of radiobuttons available on both sides. if user checks button , clicks on card, card should turn, , newly chosen radio button choice should appear on other side of card well. functionality of buttons on both sides same-- put on both sides user can choose change radiobuttons no matter if he/she on front side or side of flashcard. part radiobuttons change on other side if pick radiobutton works when each card fresh. if scroll off offscreenlimit , swipe back, function not work anymore(the radiobuttons on other side won't automatically change newly selected one) . since offscreenlimit 2, if scroll immediate next card , scroll back, still works.

my listener inside of outer fragment

           final viewanimator viewanimator1 = (viewanimator) viewflipper;        viewanimator1.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){            @override            public void onclick(view v){                ((definitionfragment) definitionfragment1).update();                ((wordfragment) wordfragment1).update();                            animationfactory.fliptransition(viewanimator1, flipdirection.right_left);                final fragmenttransaction transaction3 = getchildfragmentmanager().begintransaction();                transaction3.detach(definitionfragment1);                transaction3.add(, definitionfragment1);                final fragmenttransaction transaction4 = getchildfragmentmanager().begintransaction();                transaction4.detach(wordfragment1);                transaction4.add(, wordfragment1);             } 

update metod:

public void update(){     databasehandler db1 = new databasehandler(getactivity());      list<vocabword>words1 = db1.getallvocabwords();      switch(words1.get(pagenumber).getcategory())         {         case 0:             mdefaultbutton.setchecked(true);             break;          case 1:             mredbutton.setchecked(true);             break;          case 2:             myellowbutton.setchecked(true);             break;           case 3:             mgreenbutton.setchecked(true);             break;          }   } 

anyone have idea how approach this? or know how set nonexistent offscreenpagelimit , make sure never deletes of pages?

this answer took me 3 weeks solve! did wrong instead of detaching , adding fragments use "replace."


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