How to render controls defined in Json structure using MvvmCross? -

i have situation view definition(i.e. content gets displayed on layout file) defined in json structure. need able define json structure along bindings , code should able dynamically create controls based on json structure , fill out layout.

i able accomplish same using code below.

    protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle)     {         base.oncreate(bundle);          firstviewmodel firstviewmodel = new firstviewmodel()         {             id = 1001,             firstname = "amit",             middlename = string.empty,             lastname = "taparia",             race = "asian",             isusnational = false         };          this.viewmodel = firstviewmodel imvxviewmodel;         var bindings = this.createinlinebindingtarget<firstviewmodel>();                              this.root = new rootelement("main view", null, null).         {             new section("personal information")             {                                                         new stringelement("employee#","enter employee#").bind(bindings,vm =>                 new entryelement("firstname","enter first name").bind(bindings,vm=>vm.firstname),                 new entryelement("middlename","enter middle name").bind(bindings, vm=> vm.middlename),                 new entryelement("lastname","enter last name","amit",null).bind(bindings, vm => vm.lastname),                 new entryelement("race","enter race").bind(bindings,vm => vm.race),                 new booleanelement("us national",true,).bind(bindings, vm => vm.isusnational).                             },                        };     } 

but need able same using structure defined in json file. know can using mvvmcross, dont know how this.

i came across these 3 sample solutions a) customermanagement b) customermanager.autoview here see have basecustomereditview.cs there json structure defined, code commented out. c) dialogexamples

couple of questions

1) whats difference between using autoview , mvxdialog? 1 , same thing?

2) there potential limitations using control structure defined in json file. see 1 problem related alignment. wont have control on alignment of controls defined in json file.

3) how achieve rendering/binding using structure defined in json file?

looking forward responses.

dialog provides "a foundation create dialog boxes , show table-based information without having write dozens of delegates , controllers user interface" (from

the idea of autoviews provide layer of auto-generated uis built largely on top of dialog, prototyping possibly families of apps - see should wait autoview? ,

the current state of autoviews there initial implementation available on android , ios, , there small sample shows use of implementation at:

the main focus of demo uses auto objects describe ui in viewmodel - e.g.:

    private keyeddescription getdialogautoview()     {         var auto = new rootauto(caption: "some dialog info")         {             new sectionauto(header: "strings")                 {                     new entryauto(caption: "name", bindingexpression: () => name),                     new entryauto(caption: "password", bindingexpression: () => password) { password = true },                 },             new sectionauto(header: "booleans")                 {                     new booleanauto(caption: "is available", bindingexpression: () => isavailable),                     new checkboxauto(caption: "is active", bindingexpression: () => isactive),                 },             new sectionauto(header: "datetimes")                 {                     new dateauto(caption: "date of birth", bindingexpression: () => dateofbirth),                     new timeauto(caption: "when", bindingexpression: () => preferredcontacttime),                 },             new sectionauto(header: "debug info")                 {                     new stringauto(caption: "name", bindingexpression: () => name),                     new stringauto(caption: "password", bindingexpression: () => password),                     new stringauto(caption: "is available", bindingexpression: () => isavailable),                     new stringauto(caption: "is active", bindingexpression: () => isactive),                     new stringauto(caption: "date of birth", bindingexpression: () => dateofbirth),                     new stringauto(caption: "when", bindingexpression: () => preferredcontacttime),                 },         };          return auto.toelementdescription();     } 

instead of these auto objects, json format description available, there's not documentation on today. example files exist in - example

these json files reflection-based - built around names , properties of dialog classes.

for specific case, think i'd recommend don't use autoviews json format.

it sounds have more specific requirement - want viewmodels download models web , viewmodels construct uis these descriptions.

because of recommend start describing own business models in c# pocos - these can serialised on network connection (e.g. using , viewmodels , views can work out how display them.

as know is possible have method binding in mvvmcross using fluent api?, can bind ui dictionary or other 'dynamic' viewmodel structure if want - suspect useful when displaying , binding dynamic form data.

it may can use either auto or json parts of autoviews part of last display step - don't think network transfer should done in terms of dialog elements - stick business domain objects there.


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