r - Save plot with a given aspect ratio -

i'm working awesome library ggplot2. figured out how set aspect ratio of plot using coord_fixed. now, i'd save plot pdf specified width (e.g 10 cm) , let required height calculated. did not figure out how achieve this. possible?

you can use grid functions calculate full size of ggplot grob, there (edit: @ least) 2 caveats:

  • an device window open, unit conversion

  • the plot panel size 0 default, meant calculated on-the-fly according device (viewport) lives in, not opposite.

that being said, following function attempts open device fits ggplot exactly,

library(ggplot2) library(grid)  sizeit <- function(p, panel.size = 2, default.ar=1){    gb <- ggplot_build(p)   # first check if theme sets aspect ratio   ar <- gb$plot$coordinates$ratio    # second possibility: aspect ratio set coordinates, results in    # use of 'null' units gtable layout. let's find out   g <- ggplot_gtable(gb)   nullw <- sapply(g$widths, attr, "unit")   nullh <- sapply(g$heights, attr, "unit")    # ugly hack extract aspect ratio these weird units   if(any(nullw == "null"))     ar <- unlist(g$widths[nullw == "null"]) / unlist(g$heights[nullh == "null"])    if(is.null(ar)) # if aspect ratio wasn't specified plot        ar <- default.ar    # ensure panel.size larger dimension   if(ar <= 1 ) panel.size <- panel.size / ar    g$fullwidth <- convertwidth(sum(g$widths), "in", valueonly=true) +      panel.size   g$fullheight <- convertheight(sum(g$heights), "in", valueonly=true) +      panel.size / ar    class(g) <- c("sizedgrob", class(g))   g }   print.sizedgrob <- function(x){   # note: dev.new doesn't seem respect parameters   # when called rstudio; in case    # may replaced x11 or quartz or ...   dev.new(width=x$fullwidth, height=x$fullheight)   grid.draw(x) }   p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed() +   theme(plot.background = element_rect(colour = "red"))  p2 <- p1 + aes(x = mpg, y = wt)  # need explicit dummy device open, otherwise it's bit off # no apparent reason can understand dev.new()   sizeit(p1, 0.1) 

enter image description here

sizeit(p2, 2) 

enter image description here


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