loops - Run jquery function after $.each has finished using promise -

i have each loop pulls foursquare info. looks similar following:

$.getjson('https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?search_string_here',      function(data) {      $.each(data.response.venues, function(i,venues){           var content = foursquare stuff;           $(content).appendto("#foursquare");      }); }); 

i need initiate function after each loop finished. works if placed after each loop:

$( "#foursquare" ).promise().done(function() {     //do stuff }); 

i not familiar promise - strange thing works selector. 2 questions:

1) best way of going each callback? 2) correct selector here? each isnt iterating on existing elements, unsure of 'promise'

$.getjson return promise can use. called after callback.

var $ajax = $.getjson('url', function(data){     // $.each });  $ajax.done(function(){     // stuff }); 


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