ios - Is there a way to let the user chose whether or not trust the site when we try to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert? -
there similar question on stack overflow.
here code accept untrusted server certificate anyway.
- (bool)connection:(nsurlconnection *)connection canauthenticateagainstprotectionspace:(nsurlprotectionspace *)space { //we can attempt authenticate... return yes; } - (void)connection:(nsurlconnection *)connection didreceiveauthenticationchallenge:(nsurlauthenticationchallenge *)challenge { if ([[challenge protectionspace] authenticationmethod] == nsurlauthenticationmethodservertrust) { [[challenge sender] usecredential:[nsurlcredential credentialfortrust:[[challenge protectionspace] servertrust]] forauthenticationchallenge:challenge]; } else { // other situation } }
however, want present alter view let user chose whether or not trust site.
uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle: [[challenge protectionspace]host] message:@"do trust site?" delegate:self cancelbuttontitle:@"no" otherbuttontitles:@"yes", @"just once", nil]; [alert show];
how can that?
as example can save challenge object property , implement alertview:clickedbuttonatindex: delegate method (this "trust once"):
- (void)alertview:(uialertview *)alertview clickedbuttonatindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex { if(buttonindex == alertview.cancelbuttonindex) { [[self.challenge sender] cancelauthenticationchallenge:self.challenge]; } else { [self.challenge.sender usecredential:[nsurlcredential credentialfortrust:self.challenge.protectionspace.servertrust] forauthenticationchallenge:self.challenge]; self.challenge = nil; } }
if want trust need more complex things save , compare server certificate data. or make simple , unsafe saving server url should trusted, makes vulnerable man in middle attacks.
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