jquery - Simple Javascript Calling function not working/don't know how to get it to work -

i'm trying call function , not alert , thought easy doing this: functionsname(); , delete alert(''); it's not working me :(

can please @ code have below , tell me wrong ?

thank much!!

<script type="text/javascript"> var comper; function checkcomper() {     var onresponse = function(compernow) {            if (comper === undefined) {             comper = compernow;             return;         }          if (comper !== compernow) {             // show message visitor             alert("new info added"); // <--*** want take out , call $("#append").click(function(e)              comper = compernow;         }     };     $.get('getlastupdate.php', onresponse); }  var tid = setinterval(checkcomper, 2000);   $(function() {      var $table = $("table.tablesorter");     $("#append").click(function(e) {          e.preventdefault();         $.get('updatetable.php', function(data)                {                   $table                   .find('tbody')                   .html('')                   .append(data);                   $table.trigger("update", [true]);               });     }); /*........ , on.... */ </script> 

what changin :

alert("new info added"); 

to :


it simulate click , trigger function.


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