Grails Spock integration test redirectedUrl different between localhost test-app and build server test-app -

i have spock integration test looks this:

class pricetiercontrollerintegrationspec extends integrationspec {      pricetiercontroller controller      def setup() {         controller = new pricetiercontroller()     }      def "applydiscount() method redirect user success view"() {         when:         controller.applydiscount()          then:         controller.response.redirectedurl == '/pricetier/success'     } 

then in controller, logic simply:

class pricetiercontroller {      def applydiscount() {         redirect action: 'success'     }      def success() {     } } 

when run spock test on local machine, test passes. however, on build server, following error:

controller.response.redirectedurl == '/pricetier/success' |          |        |             | |          |        /test/success false |          |                      8 differences (46% similarity) |          |                      /(t---)e(st--)/success |          |                      /(pric)e(tier)/success |              org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing.grailsmockhttpservletresponse@dc42543 com.test.pricetiercontroller@193d6547 

for reason, on build server, spock test thinks controller name test instead of pricetier, , test fail. seems happen spock integration tests, spock unit tests , few legacy grails mixin tests pass fine.

does know causing problem?

i've experienced same issue, , seems comes down test framework extracting controller name the name of testing class.

the convention test class named <controller name>controllerspec

in above case, test class should named pricetiercontrollerspec test framework resolve controller priceteir.

naming class according these guidelines seems fix problem.

further reference can found here:


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