excel - Preference Votes Data to Groups -

i have problem creating formula or vba macro sorts 'preference voting' data appropriate groups students selecting summer camp electives. historically, we've done voting , sorting on paper, , i'd move little less time consuming many, many rounds of electives @ camp.

ive created form fill out, gives me spreadsheet elective preferences. looks

 kids      b   c 1001    2   3   1 1002    3   1   2 1003    3   1   2 1004    3   1   2 1005    3   1   2 1006    3   1   2 1007    3   2   1 1008    3   2   1 1009    2   1   3 1010    3   1   2 1011    2   1   3 

what id able run macro or (even better) dynamic function sorts voters categories - this

       b       c 1001    1002    1007 1010    1003    1008 1011    1004    1009         1005             1006     

basically - elective has no first choice votes initial count = 0. elective b has 8 first choice votes, initial count 8, elective c has 3 first choice votes initial count 3. need these @ least close balanced (plus have on 100 students), have 2nd choices (3rd strike). minimum count each group needs 1/4 + 1 total voting population.

obviously no solution perfect, because theres inherently subjective choice gets moved first choice second, appreciated.

if theres in stat math point me in right direction too. ive tried googling this, references voting systems can find assume want anonymise data, opposite of need.

ive tried vlookups , indexing, formulas unwieldy, , dont seem need anyway. sort functions seem way go, cant wrap head around syntax of them (using visual sort how ive rendered above sorting.) rank doesnt seem offer im looking for.

i have simulated voting process , created somehow equal groups of kids based on preferred choices.

if unclear please leave comment , best better explain content.

note(disclaimer hehe): i have done using types, collections , arrays, ability demonstrate visual representation of solution required me use spreadsheet. code used in example can modified not work spreadsheets collections.

here's have done in steps:

  • 1 - setup spreadsheet (spreadsheet name:   "sheet1", module name: formatting)
  • 2 - randomized voting process (module name:   randomvotes)
  • 3 - calculations step 1 (module name:   step1)
  • 4 - calculations step 2 (module name:   step2)

step 1

note: you can skip step , step2 if have results of voting in following format:

  • kids column a
  • a column b
  • b column c
  • c column d

your initial spreadsheet should below screenshot


you can manually make although have recorded macro formats spreadsheet standards required macro work properly. copy-paste below code new module , rename it(rename module) formatting execute below code(press f5 execute)

sub formatspreadsheet()     application.screenupdating = false     cells.select     selection.font         .name = "consolas"         .size = 10         .strikethrough = false         .superscript = false         .subscript = false         .outlinefont = false         .shadow = false         .underline = xlunderlinestylenone         .themecolor = xlthemecolorlight1         .tintandshade = 0         .themefont = xlthemefontnone     end     selection.font         .name = "consolas"         .size = 10         .strikethrough = false         .superscript = false         .subscript = false         .outlinefont = false         .shadow = false         .underline = xlunderlinestylenone         .themecolor = xlthemecolorlight1         .tintandshade = 0         .themefont = xlthemefontnone     end     range("a1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "kids"     range("b1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "a"     range("c1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "b"     range("d1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "c"     range("a2").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "1"     cells.select     selection.numberformat = "@"     range("a2").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "0001"     range("a3").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "0002"     range("a4").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "0003"     range("a2:a4").select     selection.autofill destination:=range("a2:a47"), type:=xlfilldefault     range("a2:a47").select     range("b1:d1").select     selection.interior         .pattern = xlsolid         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .color = 65535         .tintandshade = 0         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     selection.interior         .pattern = xlsolid         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .themecolor = xlthemecoloraccent1         .tintandshade = 0.399975585192419         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     columns("a:p").select     selection         .horizontalalignment = xlgeneral         .verticalalignment = xlcenter         .wraptext = false         .orientation = 0         .addindent = false         .indentlevel = 0         .shrinktofit = false         .readingorder = xlcontext         .mergecells = false     end     selection         .horizontalalignment = xlcenter         .verticalalignment = xlcenter         .wraptext = false         .orientation = 0         .addindent = false         .indentlevel = 0         .shrinktofit = false         .readingorder = xlcontext         .mergecells = false     end     range("b1:d1").select     selection.copy     range("f1").select     activesheet.paste     range("j1").select     activesheet.paste     range("n1").select     activesheet.paste     range("h7").select     application.cutcopymode = false     range("b:d,f:f,g:g,h:h,j:j,k:k,l:l,n:n,o:o,p:p").select     range("p1").activate     selection.borders(xldiagonaldown).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xldiagonalup).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgeleft)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = xlautomatic         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgetop)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = xlautomatic         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgebottom)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .themecolor = 1         .tintandshade = -0.14996795556505         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgeright)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = xlautomatic         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidevertical)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = xlautomatic         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidehorizontal)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .themecolor = 1         .tintandshade = -0.14996795556505         .weight = xlthin     end     range("b1:d1,f1:h1,j1:l1,n1:p1").select     range("n1").activate     selection.borders(xldiagonaldown).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xldiagonalup).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgeleft)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgetop)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgebottom)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgeright)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidevertical)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidehorizontal)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     range("a1").select     selection.borders(xldiagonaldown).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xldiagonalup).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgeleft).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgetop).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgebottom)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgeright)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidevertical).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xlinsidehorizontal).linestyle = xlnone     range("e1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "1st choice"     range("i1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "2nd choice"     range("m1").select     activecell.formular1c1 = "3rd choice"     range("e:e,i:i,m:m").select     range("m1").activate     selection.columnwidth = 12.13     range("e1:h1").select     selection.interior         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .themecolor = xlthemecoloraccent3         .tintandshade = -0.249977111117893         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     range("e1:h1").select     selection.interior         .pattern = xlsolid         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .themecolor = xlthemecoloraccent5         .tintandshade = 0.399975585192419         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     range("i1:l1").select     selection.interior         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .color = 15773696         .tintandshade = 0         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     range("e1:h1").select     selection.interior         .pattern = xlsolid         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .themecolor = xlthemecoloraccent4         .tintandshade = 0.599993896298105         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     range("m1:p1").select     selection.interior         .patterncolorindex = xlautomatic         .color = 13434879         .tintandshade = 0         .patterntintandshade = 0     end     range("e1,i1,m1").select     range("m1").activate     selection.borders(xldiagonaldown).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xldiagonalup).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgeleft)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgetop).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xledgebottom)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xledgeright)         .linestyle = xlcontinuous         .colorindex = 0         .tintandshade = 0         .weight = xlthin     end     selection.borders(xlinsidevertical).linestyle = xlnone     selection.borders(xlinsidehorizontal).linestyle = xlnone     range("a1").select     application.screenupdating = true end sub 

you spreadsheet should like below screenshot

formatted spreadsheet

note: column a goes down number 0046 (row 47) so, if have more kids add more numbers before continuing.

step 2

add new module , name randomvotes

copy-paste , execute (f5) code results.

the code simulate voting process , print results in columns b d:

sub randomizevotes()     application.screenupdating = false     dim long, j long     dim r range, nxtrnd long     dim rowcomplete boolean      = 2 range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row         set r = range("b" & i)         r = getrandom         until rowcomplete             r.offset(0, 1) = getrandom             r.offset(0, 2) = getrandom             if r <> r.offset(0, 1) , r <> r.offset(0, 2) , r.offset(0, 1) <> r.offset(0, 2) rowcomplete = true         loop         set r = nothing         rowcomplete = false     next     application.screenupdating = true end sub  function getrandom() long     randomize     dim x double     x = rnd     if x < 0.3         getrandom = 1     elseif x >= 0.3 , x < 0.6         getrandom = 2     elseif x >= 0.6         getrandom = 3     end if end function 

at point, go spreadsheet should give following results:

randomized voting

note: i said can skip step if have voting results in format specified above. recommend following steps see how things work.


add new module, name step1.

copy-paste below code , again: execute it.

this code populate columns f:p based on kids choices

option explicit  ' choices columns sub step_1()      dim long     dim r range      = 2 range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row         set r = range("b" & i)          ' first choices         if r = 1             r.offset(0, 4) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 1) = 1             r.offset(0, 5) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 2) = 1             r.offset(0, 6) = r.offset(0, -1).text         end if          ' second choices         if r = 2             r.offset(0, 8) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 1) = 2             r.offset(0, 9) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 2) = 2             r.offset(0, 10) = r.offset(0, -1).text         end if          ' third choices         if r = 3             r.offset(0, 12) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 1) = 3             r.offset(0, 13) = r.offset(0, -1).text         elseif r.offset(0, 2) = 3             r.offset(0, 14) = r.offset(0, -1).text         end if          set r = nothing     next      deleteempties  end sub   private sub deleteempties()     application.screenupdating = false     dim long, j long     = range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row 2 step -1         j = 16 6 step -1             if isempty(cells(i, j)) cells(i, j).delete shift:=xlup         next j     next     application.screenupdating = false end sub 

the result should similar below screenshot (if have randomized choices different)

choices columns 3 variations

step 4

add new module, name step2.

copy-paste below code , again: execute it.

this code re-populate columns f:h. this pretty (and ;) ) achieves looking for.

at point, column f:h sorted kids numbers. add more although intentional randomness process can re-sort numbers. example instead of

0002 0005 0010 0013 0017 0021 0022 0025 0026 0038 0043 

you can

0038 0005 0026 0013 0017 0022 0021 0002 0010 0025 0043 

you see mean when algorithm out groups.

my solution out groups of kids:

  • find out how many kids per group ( total / 3 )
  • find group highest preferred count
  • get first in list [starting end of list] (thats why randomizing columns order may idea)
  • find kid's second choice , move him column

for example:


since group b highest preferred group need move people off of in order out other ones.

each time have check size of groups. once come close each other stop moving kids around.

take first kid 0001 , check whether 2nd choice lowest group. if it's false move next one, , keep moving until find 1 kid who's second choice lowest group (a in example ).

'0011' , '0012' match our criteria can move them lowest group.

checking length of size of preferred group again.

and on results in step2 module code:

option explicit  type group     name string     column string     size long end type  type number     total long     average long     hibound long     lobound long end type  type child     id string     choice1 string     choice2 string     choice3 string end type  public group public b group public c group  ' moving based on second preference sub step_2()      dim t number      a.name = "a"     a.column = "f"     a.size = range("f" & rows.count).end(xlup).row     b.name = "b"     b.column = "g"     b.size = range("g" & rows.count).end(xlup).row     c.name = "c"     c.column = "h"     c.size = range("h" & rows.count).end(xlup).row      t.total = range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row     t.average = t.total / 3     t.hibound = t.average + 1     t.lobound = t.average - 1      dim long, j long, k long     dim kidchoice range, kidid range      = range("" & getbiggest.column & "" & rows.count).end(xlup).row 2 step -1         a.size = range("f" & rows.count).end(xlup).row         b.size = range("g" & rows.count).end(xlup).row         c.size = range("h" & rows.count).end(xlup).row         if range("" & getbiggest.column & "" & rows.count).end(xlup).row = t.average or _            range("" & getsmallest.column & "" & rows.count).end(xlup).row = t.average _                     exit         else             k = range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row 2 step -1             set kidchoice = range("" & getbiggest.column & "" & i)                 set kidid = range("a" & k)                 dim kid child                 kid.id = kidid.text                 kid.choice1 = getbiggest.name                 if strcomp(kidchoice.text, kidid.text, 1) = 0                     j = 1 3                     if kidid.offset(0, j) = 2                         kid.choice2 = cells(1, j + 1).text                     end if                     if kidid.offset(0, j) = 3                         kid.choice3 = cells(1, j + 1).text                     end if                     next j                     if kid.choice2 = getsmallest.name                         ' transfer groups                         dim nxtsmall long                         nxtsmall = range("" & getsmallest.column & "" & rows.count).end(xlup).row + 1                         range("" & getsmallest.column & "" & nxtsmall).value = kid.id                         kidchoice.delete shift:=xlup                     end if                 end if                 set kidid = nothing             next k             set kidchoice = nothing         end if     next  end sub  private function getbiggest() group     if a.size > b.size , a.size > c.size         getbiggest =     elseif b.size > a.size , b.size > c.size         getbiggest = b     elseif c.size > a.size , c.size > b.size         getbiggest = c     elseif a.size = b.size or a.size = c.size         getbiggest =     elseif b.size = a.size or b.size = c.size         getbiggest = b     elseif c.size = a.size or c.size = b.size         getbiggest = c     end if end function  private function getsmallest() group     if a.size < b.size , a.size < c.size         getsmallest =     elseif b.size < a.size , b.size < c.size         getsmallest = b     elseif c.size < a.size , c.size < b.size         getsmallest = c     elseif a.size = b.size or a.size = c.size         getsmallest =     elseif b.size = a.size or b.size = c.size         getsmallest = b     elseif c.size = a.size or c.size = b.size         getsmallest = c     end if end function 

final result

and final result of equating groups of kids preferred choices: final result

i hope helps!


if sheet looks


then run step_1 , step_2

i have ran few times testing purposes, here sample results

your sample

random votes + primary split columns . obviously, isn't printing same results provided in sample. have said there no perfect solution. ran on 11 kids , have said have 100+. think job though , functions expected

executed step_1

your sample step_1


your sample step_2

sample 1

random votes + primary split columns

executed step_1

sample 1 executed step_1


result sample 1

sample 2

random votes + primary split columns

executed step_1

sample 2 executed step_1


sample 2 result executed step_2

sample 3

random votes + primary split columns

executed step_1

sample 3 executed step_1


sample 3 result executed step_2


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