dojo - Programmatically set dgrid row as active -

i'm trying programmatically set dgrid row active, not selected. have dojo dgrid ondemandlist using selection , keyboard mixins.

using select(row) method can programmatically select given row, row not active. when row active, can use , down arrow keys navigate rows above , below it. when row selected, row highlighted arrows keys not work.

clicking row mouse make active , selected, i'm trying build interface 100% usable keyboard.

ok, took me awhile got figured out. trying add focus row. code doing in dgrid/keyboard.js under _focusonnode method.

the actual code change focus row currentfocusednode row focusednode is:

if(currentfocusednode){     // clean previously-focused element     // remove class name , tabindex attribute     put(currentfocusednode, "!dgrid-focus[!tabindex]");     if(has("ie") < 8){         // clean after workaround below (for non-input cases) = "";     } }  if(has("ie") < 8){     // setting position relative magically makes outline     // work focusing later on old ie.     // (can't done priori css or screws entire table) = "relative"; } focusednode.tabindex = grid.tabindex; focusednode.focus(); put(focusednode, ".dgrid-focus"); 

the code above code fragment, work have declare "dojo/has" , "put-selector/put" first define currentfocusednode , focusednode. i'm leaving exercise reader ;-)

also note changes "focus", not select focusednode can done using;


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