suppression - How can I suppress specific checkstyle rules in eclipse? -

i'm trying use suppression filter unexpected error occurs.

following error message.

"cannot initialize module suppressionfilter - cannot set property 'file' in module suppressionfilter 'checkstyle-suppressions.xml': unable find checkstyle-suppressions.xml - document root element "suppressions", must match doctype root "module"."

could let me know how can resolve error?

followings configuration file , suppression file contents used. configured suppression filter through eclipse menu(windows > preferences > checkstyle > configure > known modules filter > suppression filter > add)


configuration file is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype module public "-//puppy crawl//dtd check configuration 1.3//en" "">  <module name="checker">     <property name="severity" value="warning"/>     <module name="treewalker">         <module name="magicnumber">             <property name="ignorenumbers" value="-1, 0, 1"/>         </module>     </module> </module> 


suppression filter file ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype module public "-//puppy crawl//dtd check configuration 1.3//en" "">           <suppressions>     <suppress checks="magicnumbercheck"               files=""               lines="350-370"/> </suppressions> 

your suppression filter file uses 1.1 syntax, claims using newer 1.3 syntax. exchange header so:

<!doctype suppressions public "-//puppy crawl//dtd suppressions 1.1//en"     ""> 

also, configuration file must reference suppression filter. add module definition (add before last closing </module> tag, not under treewalker):

<module name="suppressionfilter">     <property name="file" value="${workspace_loc}/myproject/suppressions.xml"/> </module> 

using ${workspace_loc} variable makes sure works when copy or rename workspace.


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