Rally inline edit grid from custom data store -

i cannot figure out how save data rally after has been edited inline - had working version rallygrid providing model type, needed aggregate , change data in cases did not have flexibility do. else should work - 1 problem having saving changes user makes in-line rally.

_creategrid: function(start, end, type, filterconfig) {     app._newgrid(start, end, type, {         filters : filterconfig,         fetch   : ['formattedid', 'name', 'description', 'notes', 'owner', 'plannedstartdate', 'plannedenddate', 'c_winliststate', 'c_department', 'parent']     }, true, filterconfig); },  _newgrid: function(start, end, type, config, normalgrid, filterconfig) {     ext.define('winstate', {         extend: 'ext.data.model',         fields: [             {name: 'value', type: 'string'}         ]     });      var datastore = ext.create('ext.data.store', {         model: 'winstate',         data : [             {value : "off track"},             {value : "at risk"},             {value : "on track"},             {value : "complete"}         ]     });      ext.define('stateeditor', {         extend       : 'ext.form.field.combobox',         xtype        : 'stateeditor',         displayfield : 'value',         store        : datastore,         querymode    : 'local'     });      ext.define('department', {         extend: 'ext.data.model',         fields: [             {name: 'value', type: 'string'}         ]     });      var deptstore = ext.create('ext.data.store', {         model: 'department',         data : [             {value: "x"},             {value: "y"},             {value: "z"},         ]     });      ext.define('departmenteditor', {         extend       : 'ext.form.field.combobox',         xtype        : 'depteditor',         displayfield : 'value',         store        : deptstore,         querymode    : 'local'     });      var gridid;      if (normalgrid) {         gridid = 'datagrid';     } else {         gridid = 'detailgrid';     }      var parsedata = [];     ext.create('rally.data.wsapidatastore', {         model   : type,         limit   : infinity,         filters  : filterconfig,         fetch    : ['name', 'formattedid', 'plannedstartdate', 'plannedenddate', 'notes', 'parent', 'description', 'c_winliststate', 'c_department', 'owner']     }).load({         callback : function(store) {             ext.array.each(store.getitems(), function(item) {                 var winorder;                  var owner;                 if (item.owner) {                     owner = item.owner._refobjectname;                 } else {                     owner = '';                 }                  var state;                 if (item.c_winliststate) {                     state = item.c_winliststate;                 } else {                     state = '';                 }                  parsedata.push({                     parent          : '' + winorder,                     name            : '' + item.name,                     id              : '' + item.formattedid,                     scope           : '' + app._getspan(new date(item.plannedstartdate), new date(item.plannedenddate)),                     notes           : '' + item.notes,                     description     : '' + item.description,                     winliststate    : '' + state,                     department      : '' + item.c_department,                     owner           : '' + owner                 });             });               app.grid  = app.down('#displayarea').add({                 xtype             : 'rallygrid',                 id                : 'fullgrid',                 disableselection  : true,                 showpagingtoolbar : false,                 enableediting     : true,                 store             : ext.create('rally.data.custom.store', {                     data     : parsedata,                     pagesize : 1000000,                     autoload : true                 }),                 columncfgs: [                     {text: 'id',            dataindex: 'id',            flex: 1},                     {text: 'name',          dataindex: 'name',          flex: 2},                     {text: 'notes',         dataindex: 'notes',         flex: 3},                     {text: 'description',   dataindex: 'description',   flex: 3, editor: 'rallytextfield'},                     {text: 'scope',         dataindex: 'scope',         flex: 1},                     {text: 'state',         dataindex: 'winliststate',  flex: 1, editor: 'stateeditor'},                     {text: 'department',    dataindex: 'department',    flex: 2, editor: 'depteditor'},                     {text: 'owner',         dataindex: 'owner',         flex: 1}                 ]             });             console.log('parsedata',parsedata);         }     }); } 

i don't know if question still actual far dive rally sdk create similar guess should add listeners custom editors here in section "events" , update entities using data models

here quote conversation support team:

there no built-in support editable grid based on custom store.


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