python - logging response content length using bottle and cherrypy -

i using bottle cherrypy (which provides wsgi) web application. cherrypy not log web-access in setup. currently, almost logging using bottle's hook plug-in, so:

import bottle bottle import route, static_file, get, post, error, request, template, redirect, response, hook  @hook('after_request') def log_after_request():     try:         length = response.content_length     except:         try:             length = len(response.body)         except:             length = '???'     print '{ip} - - [{time}] "{method} {uri} {protocol}" {status} {length}'.format(         ip=request.environ.get('remote_addr'),'%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s'),         method=request.environ.get('request_method'),         uri=request.environ.get('request_uri'),         protocol=request.environ.get('server_protocol'),         status=response.status_code,         length=length,     )  @route('/index.html') def index_handler():     return '<h1>hello, world!</h1>'  app = bottle.default_app()'', port='80', app=app, server='cherrypy', request_queue_size=300, debug=true) 

this provides log entries stdout, so: - - [2013-07-23 17:04:04] "get /index.html http/1.1" 200 0 

this correct, except content-length 0. appears bottle unaware of content-length returned cherrypy. correct assessment, , more importantly, there way retrieve it, can log it?

i open better ways obtain access logging using bottle , cherrypy.


i can think of several approaches, here's 1 think best: use middleware app log requests.

here's complete example based on code in question. (i haven't changed log_after_request; of action in accesslogmiddleware.__call__.)

import datetime import bottle bottle import route, static_file, get, post, error, request, template, redirect, response, hook  # unchanged op @route('/index.html') def index_handler():     return '<h1>hello, world!</h1>'  # unchanged op def log_after_request():     try:         length = response.content_length     except:         try:             length = len(response.body)         except:             length = '???'     print 'mylog:', '{ip} - - [{time}] "{method} {uri} {protocol}" {status} {length}'.format(         ip=request.environ.get('remote_addr'),'%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s'),         method=request.environ.get('request_method'),         uri=request.environ.get('request_uri'),         protocol=request.environ.get('server_protocol'),         status=response.status_code,         length=length,     )  # code i've added begins here class accesslogmiddleware(object):     def __init__(self, app): = app      def __call__(self, e, h):         # call bottle , store return value         ret_val =, h)          # log request         log_after_request()          # return bottle's return value         return ret_val   app = logged_app = accesslogmiddleware(app)'', port='8000', app=logged_app) 

that should trick; if not, let me know , i'll help.


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