How to return an Integer or int and a list from a method in java? -

i trying return int , list method class. cant make object of class. how should it.

i try :

        list listofobj = new arraylist();         list list1 = code can't share;         integer total = integer value;          listofobj.add((list) list1 );         listofobj.add((integer) total);          return listofobj; 

but when use in class -

        if (listofobj != null && listofobj.size() > 0) {              list mainlist = promodata.get(0); --- gives error         count = (integer) promodata.get(1);         } 

so tried ---

        if (listofobj != null && listofobj.size() > 0) {             map promodata = (map) listofobj;             list mainlist = (list) promodata.get(0);             count = (integer) promodata.get(1);         } 

but still gives error when hit application.

error : java.lang.classcastexception: java.util.arraylist cannot cast

you can use pair class

public class pair<x,y> {    public final x first;    public final y second;     public pair(x first, y second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; }     public static<xx,yy> of(xx xx, yy yy) { return new pair<xx,yy>(xx, yy); } } 

then define method follows:

 public pair<list, integer> mymethod() {      list somelist = ...;     int someint = ....;     ...     return pair.of(somelist, someint);   } 

in caller side:

pair<list, integer> pair = mymethod(); list mainlist = pair.first; int count = pair.second; 

if have guava library can use pair class there.

if want use map, have downcast on values:

public map<string, object> mymethod() {    list somelist = ...;   int someint = ....;   ...   map<string, object> map = new hashmap<string, object>();   map.put("list", somelist);   map.put("count", someint);   return map; } 

in caller side:

map<string, object> map = mymethod(); list mainlist = (list) map.get("list"); int count = (integer) map.get("count"); 


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