C++ Template Class definition getting error -

i learning c++ templates.i created template class addition of 2 strings i'm getting folloing error: please me understand error.

main.cc:65:52: error: no matching function call thenameholder<std::basic_string<char> >::thenameholder(const char [8], const char [7])

using namespace std;  template <class t> class thenameholder{     t *a, *b;     public:     thenameholder(t *first, t *last)     {     a= first;     b= last;    }    t getname(); };  template <class t> t thenameholder<t> :: getname() {     t returnval;     returnval = strcat (returnval,a);     returnval = strcat (returnval, " ");     returnval = strcat (returnval, b);     return returnval;  }   int main() {      thenameholder <string> obj ("hi", "");     cout << obj.getname ();     return 0; } 

what? no. isn't templates used for

you use strcat on templated objects (actually, on t*, on pointers object)

strcat accepts char *. t has char work. if know t char, isn't template know is. (btw - have bug returnval should t*, , using uninitialized)

you seem miss whole concept of templates - ok since learning.

see - sentence "i want use templates add 2 strings" wrong - don't have unknowns! want add 2 strings, know type is. isn't template.

template "i want add 2 lists of unknown type" (then can't use strcat obviously, nor can assume lists "zero delimited" true c style strings).


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