html - Ajax call delete cakephp -

i'm trying use ajax delete delete records that, when clicked, confirms before sending request. record deleted , work problem after deleting nothing change in view until after reload page manually. want show result in view after click "ok" in dialog

my ajax code :

$(document).ready(function() {    if($('.confirm_delete').length) {        $('.confirm_delete').click(function(){          var result = confirm('are sure want delete this?');          $('#flashmessage').fadeout();          if(result) {            $.ajax({               type:"post",               url:$(this).attr('href'),               data:"ajax=1",               datatype: "json",               success:function(response){                 }           });       }        return false;     });   } }); 

in view :

echo $this->js->link('delete', array('controller' => 'publications', 'action'=>'delete', $publication['publication']['id']),   array('escape' => false, 'class'=>'confirm_delete')); 

$(document).ready(function(){ if($('.confirm_delete').length) {    $id=$(this).attr('id');     $('.confirm_delete').click(function(){    var result = confirm('are sure want delete this?');     $('#flashmessage').fadeout();      if(result) {         $.ajax({             type:"post",             url:$(this).attr('href'),             data:"ajax=1",             datatype: "json",             success:function(response){                  }         });           $('#row'+$id).remove();  }   return false; }); 

} });

for reason $(this).attr('id') not work ... how id of element selected remove have on view :

<div class="box_detail" id="row<?php echo $publication['publication']['id']; ?>"> 


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