c++ - Using QThread and QTimer to run a methode -

hi have class function run according qtimer (run every 30ms example )

class testclass {     public slots:     void   dosomthing();  }  testclass::testclass() {     qtimer *timer = new qtimer();     connect(timer , signal(timeout()) , , slot(dosomthing());     timer->start(30);  } 

but want dosomthing() function run in separate thread , that's mean make dosomthing() function in separate thread , control function using timer (run function in thread every time).

class testclass {     public slots:         void dosomthing(); }  testclass::testclass() {     qthread thread = new qthread ();     connect(thread , signal(started()) , , slot(dosomthing());      qtimer *timer = new qtimer();     connect(???, signal(?????) , ????, slot(?????); // how can continue code      timer->start(30); } 

how can ?

class testclass : public qobject {     q_object    public q_slots:       void dosomething(); };   int main(int argv, char** args) {   qapplication app(argv, args);    qtimer *timer = new qtimer();    // thread   testclass test;   qthread t;   test.movetothread(&t);   t.start();    // connections   qobject::connect(timer, signal(timeout()), &test, slot(dosomething()));    return app.exec(); } 

regarding comments, can subclass qthread directly way:

class mythreadedclass : public qthread {   mythreadclass(){}    void dosomething(){       }    void run()   {     dosomething();   } };  int main() {   mythreadclass thread();   thread.start(); // mythreadclass running    return 0; } 


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