c# - Informix database via odbc connection - Issue with insert stored procedure -

this stored proc. - sp_insertinfo inserts entry table.

i connecting via odbc dsn informix database.

this code, 1 doesn't throw me error or doesn't insert record.

i connected via sequelink 3.10 32-bit driver, application runs on 64-bit os.

trying identify why data not getting inserted(when put breakpoint, parameterized statement actual db, there inserts same data, fails when run application code).

int rowsinserted = command.executenonquery(); //this line returning -1 , data doesn't inserted.

any thoughts/idea helpful?

 private void insertinfo()         {             try             {                  using(var connection = new odbcconnection("dsn=mydsn;uid=myusername;pwd=****;"))                 {                      var command = connection.createcommand();                     command.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;                     command.connection = connection;                     command.commandtext = "execute procedure sp_insertinfo(?,?)";                        command.parameters.clear();                       //insert parameter values                        var paramid = new odbcparameter("id", odbctype.int) { value = convert.toint32(txtid.text.trim()) };                      command.parameters.add(paramid);                        var paramcountry = new odbcparameter("country", odbctype.varchar, 25) { value = txtcountry.text.trim() };                      command.parameters.add(paramcountry);                       connection.open();                       int rowsinserted = command.executenonquery(); //this line returning -1 , data doesn't inserted.                      if (rowsinserted > 0)                     {                         messagebox.show("insert data saved.");                     }                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {                  messagebox.show(ex.tostring()) ;             }             } 

at first try execute procedure simple statement, not prepared statement. like:

command.commandtext = "execute procedure sp_insertinfo(1, 'poland')"; connection.open(); int rowsinserted = command.executenonquery(); 

this way see if problem prepared statement.

try execute execute procedure sp_insertinfo(1, 'poland') via dbaccess (informix tool). way see if odbc issue.

if not work dbaccess have debug sp_insertinfo. if work, problem odbc. suggest enabling odbc trace in odbc manager , analyzing log produce.


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