Automatically remove named parameters from a Python function call -

i've written python library uses lot of named parameters in function calls, , i'm wondering if there's way automatically remove of these named parameters, instead of removing them manually (which tedious task).

for example, possible translate function call:

getclass(lang="java", body=[     mainmethod(lang="java", body=[         println(lang="java", toprint="hello world")     ]) ]) 

into function call below (which omits named arguments, , more concise?):

getclass("java", [     mainmethod("java", [         println("java", "hello world!")     ]) ]) 

in order this, 1 possible approach write function print own function call string - however, don't think it's possible write function this. there other approaches problem might work well?

there no need. keyword arguments can still passed positionally. there added benefit, here, of being able specify 1 or none of them, if please. however, don't need specify @ all.

>>> def foo(bar=1, baz=[2,3]): ...     print bar, baz ...  >>> foo() 1 [2, 3] >>> foo(baz=4) 1 4 >>> foo(10, 20) 10 20 

if i'm misunderstanding code you're providing, let me know. steve's answer seems indicate working strings, didn't see in post indicate that.

you did mention function prints own function call; this, assume mean function must print string looks thing you'd type call function same arguments passed. relatively easy do, because can either type function's name as-is, or can use __name__ attribute.

>>> def goo(a,b): ...     print "{}({}, {})".format(goo.__name__, a, b) ...  >>> goo(1,2) goo(1, 2) >>> def hoo(*args): ...     print "{}({})".format(hoo.__name__, ', '.join((str(arg) arg in args))) ...  >>>  >>> hoo(2,3,4,5) hoo(2, 3, 4, 5) 

thinking it, example seems wanting of general function grant behavior function - recursively. here's way achieve that, using partials (i'll redefine foo() example makes more sense):

>>> functools import partial >>> def foo(a, b):                                                               ...     return (a if not isinstance(a, partial) else a()) + (b if not isinstance(b, partial) else b()) ...  >>> fun = partial(foo, 1, partial(foo, partial(foo, 2, 4), partial(foo, 3, 5))) >>> fun() 15 >>> fun = partial(foo, 1, partial(foo, partial(foo, 2, 4), partial(foo, 3, 5))) >>> def print_pfunc(pfunc): ...     return "{}({}{}{})".format(pfunc.func.__name__, ', '.join(str(arg) if not isinstance(arg, partial) else print_pfunc(arg) arg in pfunc.args) if pfunc.args else '', ', ' if pfunc.args , pfunc.keywords else '', ', '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v if not isinstance(v, partial) else print_pfunc(v)) k, v in pfunc.keywords) if pfunc.keywords else '') ...  >>> print print_pfunc(fun) foo(1, foo(foo(2, 4), foo(3, 5))) 

if you're not fan of long format() call, here's different way write (just don't have spend time decoding garbage):

def print_pfunc(pfunc):     args = ""     if pfunc.args not none:         args = ', '.join(str(arg) if not isinstance(arg, partial) else print_pfunc(arg) arg in pfunc.args)     kwargs = ""     if pfunc.keywords not none:         kwargs = ', '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v if not isinstance(v, partial) else print_pfunc(v)) k, v in pfunc.keywords)     return "{}({}{}{})".format(pfunc.func.__name__, args, ', ' if args , kwargs else '', kwargs) 

adapting code, now, require write code turn function calls partials before evaluating them. it's want point - can't think of clever way around fact function calls passed arguments evaluated before passed, interfere trying do.


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