osx - Connection Qt with cooca -

i work on qt. want create connection cocoa qt in qt project. in connection how import coca framework i.e imageio framework. exist in path /system/library/frameworks/applicationservices.framework/frameworks/imageio.framework.

if apply stament #import ,this statement through error imagio/imageo.h : no such file or directory.

in framework access cgimagedestnationcreatewithurl function.

to include osx framework, add .pro file. example, include core foundation libraries you'd add: -

qmake_lflags += -f /system/library/frameworks/corefoundation.framework/ libs += -framework corefoundation 

therefore, imageio framework be:-

qmake_lflags += -f /system/library/frameworks/applicationservices.framework/frameworks/imageio.framework libs += -framework imageio 

it may need add path applicationservices.framework, if includes imageio, if not, add full path.


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