Application Icon and Tile sizes for apps which works on windows phone 7.1, WP7.8 and WP8.0 -

i'm jus confused application icon sizes need used wp. app works on three, 7.1 , 7.8 , 8.0. use windows phone 8 sdk.

this link gives sizes need. question in wmappmanifest.xml file, since app supports three, app icon 1 give? 66x66 or 99x99. tile 1 need give? app icon same app list icon.

when create new wp8 project, applicationicon of size 100x100? when size mentioned 99x99.

which default tile size need give app work in both 3 versions?

if app targets phone 7.1 (which can used on 7.1, 7.8 , 8) need normal icons (applicationicon.png , background.png). if want support new tiles in 7.8 , 8 check out this blog windows phone dev team. msdn article , handy helper.


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