linux - ldapmodify - can't add members to AD group -
i'm wanting add members ad distribution group. enter following command (putting in dummy values in places):
ldapmodify -v -h -d "cn=binding_user,dc=example,dc=com" -x -w password -f entrymods
the file 'entrymods' contains:
dn: cn=group_name, ou=groups, dc=example, dc=com changetype: modify add: member member: cn=smith\, john, ou=users, dc=example, dc=com
i'm getting following output:
ldap_initialize( ldap:// ) warning: no attributes change or add (entry="cn=group_name, ou=groups, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: modifyadd: membermember: cn=smith\, john, ou=users, dc=example, dc=com") modifying entry "cn=group_name, ou=groups, dc=example, dc=comchangetype: modifyadd: membermember: cn=smith\, john, ou=users, dc=example, dc=com" modify complete ldap_modify: invalid dn syntax (34) additional info: 00000057: ldaperr: dsid-0c090a5b, comment: error processing name, data 0, vece
find user without comma in dn , try again way. saying referenced object not exist. not sure if dn: cn=smith\, john, ou=users, dc=example, dc=com
(the member being added)
or group dn: cn=group_name, ou=groups, dc=example, dc=com
looking @ member dn being added, comma (properly escaped, say) easy enough test , eliminate being issue if was.
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