javascript - Jscript + jquery + an example of basic difference -

i new learning js , better understanding of concept, apologies in advance ignorance or simplicity of question. trying build simple quiz game learn javascript.

basically trying understand difference between these 2 versions:

javascript example

jquery example

basically trying understand difference in these 2 lines:


document.getelementbyid("question").innerhtml = "<b>question " + questionindex +"</b>: " + allquestions[0][questionindex-1]; 


$("#question").text("<b>question " + questionindex +"</b>: " + allquestions[0][questionindex-1])  

the javascript version display "question x:" in bold won't in jquery version. why? , how make jquery version bold part work? or other advice in general on this?


.text() sets text, not html. use .html() instead:

$("#question").html("<b>question " + questionindex +"</b>: " + allquestions[0][questionindex-1])  

also, jscript isn't javascript. mean javascript.


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