android - Sort ArrayList with hashmap with int values -

i have arraylist contains hashmaps several key/value pairs. 1 of key/value pairs contains key "order" , value int. how can sort arraylist according "order" key of hashmaps contains please? (i can string value not int value)

something it:

list<map<string, integer>> list = new arraylist<map<string, integer>>();  collections.sort(list, new comparator<map<string, integer>>() {    final static string compare_key = "order";    @override   public int compare(map<string, integer> lhs, map<string, integer> rhs) {     integer v1 = lhs.get(compare_key);     integer v2 = rhs.get(compare_key);     return v1 < v2 ? -1 : v1 > v2 ? 1 : 0;   } }); 


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