objective c - Move x and y coordinates of object on selection -

is possible on selection of object in case search bar, move top of application view? how that?

currently search bar in middle of screen , when press/click on table view appears under it.

normally, when press/click search bar navigation bar disappears , search bar moves up. because have moved search bar middle of application , hid navigation bar no longer jumps top on selection.

you try uiview animatewithdurations.

so you'd have code along lines of:

[uiview animatewithduration:0.3f animations:^{        [yoursearchbar setframe:cgrectmake(newx, newy, yoursearchbar.frame.size.width,         yoursearchbar.frame.size.height)]; } completion:^(bool finished) {} ]; 

that'll animate move new x , y coordinate can set want bar to. have in function that's triggered when uisearchbar receives touch event.


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