hadoop - Cloudera-Agent giving error - 'Hostname is invalid; it contains an underscore character.' -

i'm trying setup hbase cluster on 4 virtual machines using cloudera-manager installer (as suggested in installation guide). cloudera-manager version 4.6.1, cdh version 4.3 , os centos-6.4. after parcels installed , cloud-era agent tries start, following errors reported : 'hostname invalid; contains underscore character.' /usr/lib64/cmf/agent/src/cmf/agent.py : 315.

i can see underscore( '_') check in host-name @ line 315 of agent.py. cross-checked our previous setup of cdh3.4 , there no such validation. can some-one developer/user confirm if check relevant , whether underscore('_') not used internally in cdh code parsing logic? did able install underscore in hostname?

appreciate input on issue.



ps : disabled check , cloud-era agent started , configured roles various hdfs services on these nodes. services not coming healthy. changing host-name not in hand , have been told due xyz reasons, it'll take time.

excerpt wiki link:

the internet standards (request comments) protocols mandate component hostname labels may contain ascii letters 'a' through 'z' (in case-insensitive manner), digits '0' through '9', , hyphen ('-'). original specification of hostnames in rfc 952, mandated labels not start digit or hyphen, , must not end hyphen. however, subsequent specification (rfc 1123) permitted hostname labels start digits. no other symbols, punctuation characters, or white space permitted.

so, having hostnames _ illegal, wondering how did setup cluster that?


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