Extract single quoted html attributes using xpath -

i want extract values of single quoted html attributes using xpath. have used jtidy clean html doc , code looks this:

try {     string data = string.tostring();     inputstream input = new bytearrayinputstream(data.getbytes());     document document = new tidy().parsedom(input, null);      xpathfactory factory = xpathfactory.newinstance();     xpath xpath = factory.newxpath();     xpathexpression expr = xpath.compile("//a[@class='swatch-2011-link']/@color");      object evaluate = expr.evaluate(document, xpathconstants.nodeset);     nodelist list = (nodelist) evaluate;     system.out.println(list.getlength());     (int = 0; < list.getlength(); i++) {         string name = list.item(i).getnodevalue();         system.out.println(name);     } } catch (xpathexpressionexception e) {     e.printstacktrace(); }  <a class="swatch-2011-link"     style='background:url(somelink); background-size:26px 26px; filter:progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alphaimageloader(src=http://media.plussizetech.com/womanwithin/zs/0037_19561_zs_2835.jpg, sizingmethod=scale)' mainimageurl='http://media.plussizetech.com/womanwithin/mc/0037_19561_mc_2835.jpg?wid=271&amp;hei=388&amp;qlt=95&amp;op_sharpen=1' colorname='wild lime white'/> 


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