ruby - Rails getting form value to create method -

i creating form allows user send user email without seeing email address.

i using gem: handle this.

currently close getting things working. have app emailing correct person , giving correct reply information. however, cannot message body appear.

my view form. (emails/new.html.erb)

<h1>mail#new</h1> <p>find me in app/views/mail/new.html.erb</p>    <%= form_for @email |f| %>        <%= f.label :message, 'message:' %>        <%= f.text_area :message %>        <%= f.submit "send message" %>     <% end %> 

my controller (emails_controller.rb)

class emailscontroller < applicationcontroller

def new @email = flash[:userid] = params[:id]


  def create     @touser = user.find(flash[:userid])     @fromuser = user.find(     @email = =>, :email =>, :message => params[:message], :to =>      if @email.deliver[:notice] = 'thank message!'     else         render :new     end    end  end 

so using params[:message] not work. how can access :message data collect view?

if using form_for @email, message in params[:email][:message]


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