Reordering Product Information tabs in Magento admin panel -

i'm trying change ordering of tabs in adding , editing products in admin panel editing app/code/local/mage/adminhtml/block/catalog/product/edit/tabs.php. however, i've come stump associated products tab. i'd move before meta information can't seem find said tab being set. can please guide me on how move associated products tab up? in advance.

in xml : app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/catalog.xml associated products tab added separately after tabs configurable products :

<adminhtml_catalog_product_configurable>     <reference name="product_tabs">         <action method="addtab"><name>configurable</name><block>adminhtml/catalog_product_edit_tab_super_config</block></action>         <action method="bindshadowtabs"><first>configurable</first><second>customer_options</second></action>     </reference> </adminhtml_catalog_product_configurable> 

thus, make rearrangements in xml.


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