php - Zend framework query where clause -

i have following query searching tables car model no , category name

select * cars car  left join categories cat  on cat.car_id = car.car_id  (car.model_no '%gt v8%') or ( '%gt v8%') 

i using zend framework have query far in model

$sql = $this->select()->setintegritycheck(false)             ->from(array('car'=>$this->_name), array())             ->joinleft(array('cat'=>'categories'), 'cat.car_id=car.car_id', array()) 

then in clause

i this

$sql->where('car.model_no ?', '%'.$query['search'].'%')     ->where(' ?', '%'.$query['search'].'%') 

but output

where (car.model_no '%gt v8%') , ( '%gt v8%') 

i can't find way replace , or.. there anyway in zend_db?

use orwhere (example #19)

$sql->where('car.model_no ?', '%'.$query['search'].'%')->orwhere(' ?', '%'.$query['search'].'%') 

from docs:

if need combine terms using or, use orwhere() method. method used in same way where() method, except term specified preceded or, instead of and.


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