iphone - Switching from one navigation stack to another navigation stack using popViewController -

i have created module in have 5 classes in need perform task


now vc3 used push vc4 reference of base class. base class class on vc1 controller's added subview.

and need pop vc4 vc3.

nsinteger index = 0; (uiviewcontroller *view in self.navigationcontroller.viewcontrollers) {   if([view.nibname isequaltostring:@"yourviewcontroller"])//put `xib name` u want navigate    break; index = index + 1; }  //[[self navigationcontroller] pushviewcontroller:[[self.navigationcontroller viewcontrollers] objectatindex:index] animated:yes];  [[self navigationcontroller] poptoviewcontroller:[[self.navigationcontroller viewcontrollers] objectatindex:index] animated:yes];     


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