c# - Mysql dataadapter InsertCommand -

i have following code

mysqlconnection mycon = new mysqlconnection(system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["mysqlcon"]); mysqldataadapter dadap = new mysqldataadapter(); dadap.insertcommand = new mysqlcommand("insert pmduedates(ecid,ecclass,ddate,pmtype) values(ecid,ecclass,ddate,pmtype)", mycon); dadap.insertcommand.parameters.add("ecid", mysqldbtype.varchar, 20, "eqpid"); dadap.insertcommand.parameters.add("ecclass", mysqldbtype.varchar, 100, "class"); dadap.insertcommand.parameters.add("ddate", mysqldbtype.varchar, 100, "mainttype"); dadap.insertcommand.parameters.add("pmtype", mysqldbtype.date, 10, "duedate"); mycon.open(); dadap.update(dtdue); mycon.close(); 

in above code dtdue datatable , eqpid,class,mainttype , duedate datacolumns. when executing code n't gives error data not updating in table pmduedates.

why should dataadapter insert records in datatable? nobody told so. insert rows if in rowstate.added, can force in way:

foreach (datarow row in dtdue.rows)     row.setadded(); 

but since providing insert-command , parameters manually anyway, execute query manually:

using(var mycon = new mysqlconnection(system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["mysqlcon"])) using(var cmd = new mysqlcommand("insert pmduedates(ecid,ecclass,ddate,pmtype) values(ecid,ecclass,ddate,pmtype)", mycon)) {     cmd.insertcommand.parameters.add("ecid", mysqldbtype.varchar, 20, "eqpid");     cmd.insertcommand.parameters.add("ecclass", mysqldbtype.varchar, 100, "class");     cmd.insertcommand.parameters.add("ddate", mysqldbtype.varchar, 100, "mainttype");     cmd.insertcommand.parameters.add("pmtype", mysqldbtype.date, 10, "duedate");     mycon.open();     int countinserted = cmd.executenonquery(); } // using closes connection implicitely 


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