autolayout - How do I reposition the Nav/Toolbar when toggling Status Bar? -

environment: autolayout within ios 6/7, xcode 5.

understand adjust navbar accommodate status bar, set navbar's background image 64 bits high (ref: wwdc 2013 video lecture #214).

enter image description here

is there convenient way toggle presence of status bar while repositioning navbar flush against container view (and vice/versa)?

added concern: need work both ios 6 & 7.
ios 6 has solid status bar. hence, have change navbar's background image in ios 7 automatically accommondate status bar... or correct can merely set status bar opaque have similar positioning in both ios 6/7 environments?

doubleencore has blog post may status bar issues (link). there section of uitransition guide deals bars should review (link). should review uibarbuttonitemclass reference (link), has important sample code uicatalog showing different uikit objects (link). these references should give complete control of uikit objects in project.


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