virticle space between components in sencha touch -

i trying give space between components here screen shot , want give vertical space between lables , textfields , button dont find way

enter image description here

here code

ext.define('test.view.main', {     extend: 'ext.panel',     xtype: 'main',     requires: [         'ext.titlebar',          'ext.label'     ],     config: {       items: [                  {                 docked: 'top',                 title: 'test',                 ui: 'dark',                 xtype: 'titlebar'             },               {                  xtype:'panel',                 style:'padding:10%',                     items:[ {                             xtype: 'label',                             html: 'user name/mobile number',                          },                          {                             xtype: 'textfield',                         },{                                 xtype: 'label',                                 html: 'password'                         },{                          xtype: 'textfield',                         },{                             xtype:'button',                             text:'login'                         }]               }             ]     } }); 

use margin property space between fields:

{     xtype:'panel',     defaults: {         margin: '20 0'     },     items: [         {             xtype: 'label',             html: 'user name/mobile number'         },          .... 


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