ios - Created UItextfield programmatically, how to get text later? -

i've created uitextfield programmatically when view loaded. if button pressed after loads, though, how text uitextfield in later void?

-(void)viewdidload {  uitextfield *fldcard= [[uitextfield alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(12, 45, 293, 25)];     fldcard.placeholder = @"card";     fldcard.keyboardtype = uikeyboardtypenumberpad;     [fldcard setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor colorwithred:0.22 green:0.53 blue:0.23 alpha:1.0]];     [fldcard.layer setcornerradius:5.0f];     [fldcard.layer setmaskstobounds:yes];      [self.view addsubview:fldcard];     [fldcard release]; }  -(void)myaction:(id)sender { [self.view endediting:yes];     nslog(@"fldcard %@", fldcard.text); } 

in .m file under:

@interface yourviewcontroller () {    uitextfield *fldcard; } @end 

then take out uitextfield when init fldcard. able uitextfield method in class.


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