c# - Store data in LINQ to two tables; Join LINQ -

i using simplemembership mvc4 work great, required add addition user details first , last name, email, country constraints each user can have multiple profiles add id {fk} users table in userprofile table. have seprate form when user register, system call form asking addition details. using code first existing database approach

i missing puzzle of how store additional information along saying hock user profile using linq.

many in advance ..


create table [dbo].[userprofile] ( [userid]   int            identity (1, 1) not null, [username] nvarchar (150) not null, [id]       int            not null, primary key clustered ([userid] asc), foreign key ([id]) references [dbo].[users] ([id]) );  create table [dbo].[users] ( [id]         int            identity (1, 1) not null, [email]      nvarchar (150) not null, [first_name] nvarchar (150) not null, [last_name]  nvarchar (150) not null, [country]    nvarchar (150) not null, primary key clustered ([id] asc) ); 

controller class

  [httpget]     [authorize]     public actionresult userdetail()     {          return view();     }      [httppost]     [authorize]     [validateantiforgerytoken]     public actionresult userdetail(user model)     {          using (var db = new db5context_01())         {             var user_info = new user             {                 first_name = model.first_name,                 last_name = model.last_name,                 country = model.country,                 email = model.email             };             //// need here ??? hock userprofile user          } 

simplemembership initializing

namespace simple_loginsystem_05.filters { public class initializesimplemembership : actionfilterattribute {     public initializesimplemembership()     {         try         {             if (!websecurity.initialized)             {                 websecurity.initializedatabaseconnection("defaultconnection", "userprofile", "userid", "username", autocreatetables: true);             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             throw new invalidoperationexception("the asp.net simple membership database not initialized. more information, please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=256588", ex);         }     } } } 


  public partial class user {     public user()     {         this.userprofiles = new hashset<userprofile>();     }      public int id { get; set; }     public string email { get; set; }     public string first_name { get; set; }     public string last_name { get; set; }     public string country { get; set; }      public virtual icollection<userprofile> userprofiles { get; set; } 

simplemembership expects single "userprofile" per user, stores in table specify in call to:

websecurity.initializedatabaseconnection("defaultconnection", "userprofile", "userid", "username", autocreatetables: true); 

in default code table called "userprofile", matches userprofile in accountmodels.cs. see detail section 4 of my answer question more information userprofile.

i should note if wasn't requirement "each user can have multiple profiles" add properties such email, firstname, lastname, country userprofile class. move class out of userscontext own context, delete userscontext , update references userscontext own context in accountcontroller , initializesimplemembershipattribute (you set email login token instead of username using approach).

so, while don't understand how single user needs more 1 firstname etc., assuming have reason instance going have introduce new terms, like:

  • userprofile - keep meaning simplemembership userprofile make easier read documentation. there 1 record per login in table.
  • attributesforuser - use describe requirement "additional user details first , last name, email, country constraints each user can have multiple profiles". seems corresponds user table above. using name user table cause clashes user membership , websecurity framework methods , properties maybe not best idea. each entry in table userprofiles can have 1 or more entries in table attributesforusers.

it looks have code-first details sorted. example of public virtual icollection<userprofile> userprofiles { get; set; } correct, change to:

public virtual icollection<attributesforuser> attributesforuser { get; set; } 

and attributesforuser (which add dbset data context) like:

public class attributesforuser {     [key]     [databasegeneratedattribute(databasegeneratedoption.identity)]     public int id { get; set; }     public int userid { get; set; }     [required]     public string firstname { get; set; }     [required]     public string lastname { get; set; }     [required]     public string country { get; set; }     [required]     public string email { get; set; }      [foreignkey("userid")]     public userprofile userprofile { get; set; } } 

when create user, can do:

using (mycontextdb = new mycontext()) {   websecurity.createuserandaccount(model.username, model.password);   // assumes have moved userprofile mycontext, alter code accordingly if not   userprofile userprofile = db.userprofiles.firstordefault(u => u.username.tolower() == model.username.tolower());   attributesforuser newattribs = new attributesforuser {      userid = userprofile.userid,     ... fill in other properties here ...    };   db.attributesforusers.add(newattribs);   // many more newattribs need userid   ...   // , save   db.savechanges(); } 


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