c# - EWS managed API. IsNew Always return false and can't use TextBody -
i newbie developer , have been stuck ews hours now. need read through recent emails, unread emails , use data them stuff.
at moment code looks this.
static void main(string[] args) { servicepointmanager.servercertificatevalidationcallback = certificatevalidationcallback; exchangeservice service = new exchangeservice(exchangeversion.exchange2013); service.credentials = new webcredentials("support@mycompany.com", "mysupersuperdupersecretpassword"); service.autodiscoverurl("support@mycompany.com", redirectionurlvalidationcallback); finditemsresults<item> findresults = service.finditems(wellknownfoldername.inbox,new itemview(2)); foreach (item item in findresults.items) { // works until here console.writeline(item.subject); console.writeline('\n'); item.load(); string temp = item.body.text; // can't seem textbody work. used regex match match = regex.match(temp, "<body>.*?</body>", regexoptions.singleline); string result = match.value; result = result.replace("<body>", ""); result = result.replace("</body>", ""); console.write(result); console.writeline('\n'); //now email boddy fine isnew returns false. if (item.isnew) { console.writeline("this message unread!"); } else { console.writeline("this message read!"); } } }
i have googled , tried , googled more , stuck. how emails read, there way email body text that's more effective have done ? super appreciated.
the msdn article usage pretty if haven't read it.
for issue, cast item emailmessage
foreach (item item in findresults.items) { var mailitem = (emailmessage)item; // works until here console.writeline(mailitem.subject); }
i did notice not using property sets, having used ews event notifications , not going through existing mails, may different.
update additions in light of changes
use property set
new propertyset(basepropertyset.firstclassproperties) { requestedbodytype = bodytype.text };
also reads little nicer , uses body.text
foreach (item myitem in findresults.items.where(i=>i emailmessage)) { var mailitem = myitem emailmessage; console.writeline(mailitem.subject); mailitem.load(new propertyset(basepropertyset.firstclassproperties) { requestedbodytype = bodytype.text }); // adding parameter trick :) console.writeline(mailitem.body.text); if(! mailitem.isread) console.writeline("who daddy!!!!"); }
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