c++ - Rectangle Bounce collision detection -
i've created program using sdl in rectangle continuously collides within walls of program, collision checking not working properly.
here code:`
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //variable initialization] width = height = 45; srcx = srcy = 0; desty = destx = 0; vlc = 1; sdl_init(sdl_init_video); screen = sdl_setvideomode(640, 480, 32, sdl_swsurface); sdl_wm_setcaption("bouncing balls","./ball.jpg"); backg = img_load("./back.png"); ball = img_load("./ball.jpg"); while (checkbounce){ //increase velocity destx += vlc; desty += vlc; //collision checking if (destx < 0){ destx = 0; vlc = -vlc; destx += vlc; } if (desty < 0){ desty = 0; vlc = -vlc; desty += vlc; } if (desty + height > 480){ desty = 480 - height; vlc = -vlc; } if (destx + width > 640){ destx = 640 - width; vlc = -vlc; } if (sdl_pollevent(&event)){ if (event.type == sdl_quit) checkbounce = false; } //applying surfaces applysurface(0, 0, backg, screen); applyball(srcx, srcy, destx, desty, width, height, ball, screen); sdl_flip(screen); } sdl_quit(); return 0; }
here gif image happening :bouncing rectangle.gif
i'm assuming expected result rectangle bounce off of walls correctly?
you need separate velocity in x , y components rather using single number. because velocity 2 dimensional.
your program causing both x , y components become negative whenever collision detected. causes rectangle bounce backwards along path.
here's edit:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //variable initialization] width = height = 45; srcx = srcy = 0; desty = destx = 0; vlcx = 1; vlcy = 1; sdl_init(sdl_init_video); screen = sdl_setvideomode(640, 480, 32, sdl_swsurface); sdl_wm_setcaption("bouncing balls","./ball.jpg"); backg = img_load("./back.png"); ball = img_load("./ball.jpg"); while (checkbounce){ //increase velocity destx += vlcx; desty += vlcy; //collision checking if (destx < 0){ destx = 0; vlcx = -vlcx; destx += vlcx; } if (desty < 0){ desty = 0; vlcy = -vlcy; desty += vlcy; } if (desty + height > 480){ desty = 480 - height; vlcy = -vlcy; } if (destx + width > 640){ destx = 640 - width; vlcx = -vlcx; } if (sdl_pollevent(&event)){ if (event.type == sdl_quit) checkbounce = false; } //applying surfaces applysurface(0, 0, backg, screen); applyball(srcx, srcy, destx, desty, width, height, ball, screen); sdl_flip(screen); } sdl_quit(); return 0; }
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