html - PHP success on file upload -

i'm sure there simple solution can't see.

i have form uploading stuff.

when script completes uses header('location: admin.php?success') , if($_get['success']) { echo woohoo success } type message before rest of script run.

the problem is want upload 2 files @ once can't because first part of script executed , nothing else. considered using boolean value set true or false , display message failed.

i'd able upload several files in succession , receive success message each one.

many thanks.

relevant php:

 if(isset($_get['success']) && empty($_get['success'])){         echo '<h2>file upload successful! whoop!</h2>';      } else{      if(empty($_post) === false){          //check file has been uploaded         if(isset($_files['mytrainingfile']) && !empty($_files['mytrainingfile']['tmp_name'])){              file stuff...              if(in_array($fileext, $blacklist) === true){                 $errors[] = "file type not allowed";             }         }          if(empty($errors) === true){             //run update             move file stuff...                 }              }              $comments = htmlentities(trim($_post['comments']));             $category = htmlentities(trim($_post['category']));              $training->uploaddocument($filename, $category, $comments);             header('location: admin.php?success');             exit();          } else if (empty($errors) === false) {             //header('location: messageuser.php?msg=' .implode($errors));             echo '<p>' . implode('</p><p>', $errors) . '</p>';         }}     }     ?> 

you need loop through $_files super-global array , upload each file.

here's working example give better idea.

<?php      $upload_dir= './uploads';     $num_uploads = 2;     $max_file_size  = 51200;     $ini_max = str_replace('m', '', ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));     $upload_max = $ini_max * 1024;     $msg = 'please select files uploading';     $messages = array();      if(isset($_files['userfile']['tmp_name']))     {         for($i=0; $i < count($_files['userfile']['tmp_name']);$i++)         {             if(!is_uploaded_file($_files['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i]))             {                 $messages[] = 'no file uploaded';             }             elseif($_files['userfile']['size'][$i] > $upload_max)             {                 $messages[] = "file size exceeds $upload_max php.ini limit";             }             elseif($_files['userfile']['size'][$i] > $max_file_size)             {                 $messages[] = "file size exceeds $max_file_size limit";             }             else             {                 if(@copy($_files['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i],$upload_dir.'/'.$_files['userfile']['name'][$i]))                 {                     $messages[] = $_files['userfile']['name'][$i].' uploaded';                 }                 else                 {                     $messages[] = 'uploading '.$_files['userfile']['name'][$i].' failed';                 }             }         }     } ?>   <html>  <head>  <title>multiple file upload</title>  </head>   <body>   <h3><?php echo $msg; ?></h3>  <p>  <?php     if(sizeof($messages) != 0)     {         foreach($messages $err)         {             echo $err.'<br />';         }     }  ?>  </p>  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_server['php_self']);?>" method="post">  <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $max_file_size; ?>" />  <?php     $num = 0;     while($num < $num_uploads)     {         echo '<div><input name="userfile[]" type="file" /></div>';         $num++;     }  ?>   <input type="submit" value="upload" />  </form>   </body>  </html> 

hope helps!


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