compilation - Compile multiple stylesheets with Compass, different output style and ".min" file name -

summary: using compass, need compile sass stylesheets twice different output styles , file names.

i have config.rb:

http_path           = "/" css_dir             = "assets/css" sass_dir            = "assets/sass" # …more stuff… # output_style        = :expanded 

which compiles

assets  ┗ sass    ┣ style1.scss    ┗ style2.scss 


assets  ┗ css    ┣ style1.css    ┗ style2.css 

what need accomplish output this:

assets  ┗ css    ┣ style1.css    ┣ style1.min.css    ┣ style2.css    ┗ style2.min.css 

where ".min.css" files contain minified css, obviously.

so figured need come like:

on_stylesheet_saved |filename|     # switch output_style :compressed     # compile again , include ".min" file name end 

can 1 provide me basic sample on how accomplish that? have not messed ruby far, coming basic understanding through reading i've been doing on topic. ;) bunch!

i'd suggest yeoman, or custom grunt script. use rake if you're more ruby-oriented.


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