c - How to compile CHOLMOD library (SuiteSparse) from IDE -

for time trying create static cholmod lib suitesparse each other library (f.ex. umfpack) can easiy compiled ide (i used code::blocks on linux , visual studio on windows). when trying compile cholmod bunch of syntax errors like:

t_cholmod_triplet.c(21): error c2061: syntax error : identifier 'template' 

i investigated there #defines missing (like pattern, real defines) , therefore definitions of template invisible. searched them in files , in makefiles found nothing. when typing make (on linux) library compiles fine. missing?

you can use suitesparse metis windows package: https://github.com/jlblancoc/suitesparse-metis-for-windows

credit: jose luis blanco (universidad de almeria); jerome esnault (inria).


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