Rails - Iterating through records witin a method -

i have method iterates through various models, printing out model attributes:

def self.get_attributes(options = {})   options[:model_name].find(:all, :conditions => {:generated_at => options[:start_date]..options[:end_date]}).each |p|   puts p.options[:col_name] end 

to call method:

start_date = datetime.strptime(params[:start_date], '%m/%d/%y').beginning_of_day.strftime("%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s") end_date = datetime.strptime(params[:end_date], '%m/%d/%y').end_of_day.strftime("%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s") get_attributes({:model_name =>  revenue, :col_name => "revenue",  :start_date => start_date, :end_date => end_date}) 

i have tried passing in column name string , variable. when passed variable undefined variable exception. above, undefined method 'col_name' exception. how can interpolate column name within above method?

you represent column/method name symbol (e.g. :revenue) , invoke __send__ in:



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