gradle - astyanax cassandra: The type org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$Client cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files -

my internship needs me familiar cassandra. downloaded astyanax cassandra from:

after building astyanax source via commands: git clone cd astyanax ./gradlew build

i created new java project , copy+paste sample code here:

now problems arose. did fix path configuration, importing .jar files generated gradlew build. 1 (long)line of code highlighted red dash:

context = new astyanaxcontext.builder() .forcluster("test cluster") .forkeyspace("test1") .withastyanaxconfiguration(new astyanaxconfigurationimpl()           .setdiscoverytype(nodediscoverytype.ring_describe) ) .withconnectionpoolconfiguration(new connectionpoolconfigurationimpl("myconnectionpool")     .setport(9160)     .setmaxconnsperhost(1)     .setseeds("") ) .withastyanaxconfiguration(new astyanaxconfigurationimpl()           .setcqlversion("3.0.0")     .settargetcassandraversion("1.2")) .withconnectionpoolmonitor(new countingconnectionpoolmonitor()) .buildkeyspace(thriftfamilyfactory.getinstance()); 

the warning message is: type org.apache.cassandra.thrift.cassandra$client cannot resolved. indirectly referenced required .class files

i need experts help. lot!!!

sounds missing thrift dependency (thrift jar file). either or using incompatible version of thrift. simple solution use maven , add astyanax dependency project. more complex solution verify that version of thrift import compatible version of astyanax being used.

maven dependency (add pom file):

<dependency>     <groupid></groupid>     <artifactid>astyanax</artifactid>     <version>1.56.42</version> </dependency> 

you can work out compatible version of thrift astyanax client using astyanax's wiki. knowing built project github, want latest thrift compatible cassandra, after thrift 9.0+ (for example libthrift-0.9.0.jar).


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