c# - MMORPG's and Game Clients -

i want know how make client of mmorpg's see out there have client reads game files launches game. know clients written in c++, unfortunately don't language, know c#. i'm not looking make entire client, since me , friends want make small 2d game, need client reads external data files holds sound, images, etc, , calls server, once receives response sends ip , launches client.

since i'm not great drawer got stuck creating client. made small function calls server port , checks if online:

    public static void serverstatus()     {        try          {             tcpclient client = new tcpclient();             networkstream stream;             streamwriter writer;             binaryreader reader;             ipaddress ip = ipaddress.parse("string ip");             client.connect(ip, 8484);             if(client !=null)             {                stream = client.getstream();                reader = new binaryreader(stream);                writer = new streamwriter(stream, encoding.default);                writer.autofulsh = true;             }           }       catch       {         messagebox.show("server offline");       }    } 

but other , other none important thing, don't know go, read countless c# books, none pointed not gave me simple hint on go. feel kid lost in park. asking is, other components used in processes of making game client. doesn't need direct "here's how it". simple pointers nice.

well,i think doesn't matter program game use c# or c++. in work experience, should learn network,gdi drawer, threads , on .actually , responsibility of client draw , send information server, when server message client ,it decide , send reply message client.the client against message server.

and simplest method search on github,there many open source games.


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