python - Read excel file from StringIO buffer to dataframe with -

i'd read string buffer pandas dataframe. seems way use pandas' excelfile functionality. i've tried following:

from pandas import excelfile excel_handler excel_data = excel_handler(stringio( 

from on, guess excelfile.parse() can used.

this produces following error:

<class 'openpyxl.shared.exc.invalidfileexception'> [errno 2] no such file or directory: ' 

any ideas on how read in file buffer?

fixed. had missed part earlier in code being called. consequently, time excelfile being called, empty string being passed it, causing error. getvalue() needed removed. here's how should go:

from pandas import excelfile excel_data = excelfile(stringio( dataframe = excel_data.parse(excel_data.sheet_names[-1]) 


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