java - Eclipse e3 to e4 migration/adaption(preferred) - recommendations -

what got

i got finished e3 application, need dependency injection feature e4, therefore moved kepler.

now in e4, e3 plugins working, if run application e3 app. if change application.e4xmi system fails. (somehow expected this)


how can move e3 plugins e4 perspectives , views working (i got plenty of em! , cannot remove them - need them extended if plugin gets added!) menu contributions, handlers/commands need work (nothing in fragment.e4xmi gets added gui)

what did till now

i changed api e4 no longer use iworkbench or platformui nor viewpart interfaces (still way go, did in 1 plugin testing purposes)

transformed plugin.xml (e3 code) e4 fragment.e4xmi (but found out (link stackoverflow) contributing views/perspectives broken in e4.)

i added fragment.e4xmi extension in plugin.xml , removed else (e3-style)


  1. stackoverflow
  2. lars vogel
  3. jonas helming


  1. bug 376486 - eclipse 4 ide not extendable via fragments or processors - how extend e4 application - if not working via fragments or processors?
  2. to raise possibility of solution split problem , described part here

solving required creation of e3 application in e4 workspace. create pojo views , use wrapper class enable di.

detailed solution building can found here


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