extjs - "TypeError: Cannot read property 'launched' of null" in netbeans JSDT running jasmine tests -

i have setup new extjs project , want test netbeans , jsdt + adapter , html test runner.

this file structure:

root   - config    -- jstestdriver.conf - public    -- application    --- controller, model, store, view    -- ext // extjs lib.    -- test    --- lib    ---- jasmine + jstd-adapter    -- unit // tests 

the jasmine spec runner (/test/specrunner.html) works fine, netbeans jstd shows following error:

typeerror: cannot read property 'launched' of null

what wrong?

here's application init code:

ext.onready(function () {     testapp = ext.create('app.application', {}, this);      jasmine.getenv().addreporter(new jasmine.trivialreporter());     jasmine.getenv().execute(); });  ext.define('app.application', {     extend: 'ext.app.application',     // ... 

and tests:

describe("basic assumptions", function () {     it("has extjs4 loaded", function () {         expect(ext).tobedefined();         expect(ext.getversion()).tobetruthy();         expect(ext.getversion().major).toequal(4);     }); });  describe('bmkernel application', function () {     it('is launched', function () {         expect(testapp).tobedefined();          expect(testapp.launched).tobetruthy();     }); }); 


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