ruby on rails - Capistrano postgresql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user -

i deploying app digital ocean first time , ran 2 (possible more) issues.

1) can't bundle install after adding gem 'unicorn' gemfile. found kgio not compatible windows. have have gemfile.lock present when deploy via capistrano? how work around issue?

group :production   gem 'pg', '0.14.1'   gem "nginx"   gem 'unicorn' end 

2) having trouble authentication on postgresql on server.

production:   adapter: postgresql   encoding: unicode   database: postgresql   pool: 5   username: postgresql   password: secret 

i ran these commands (along other variations):

create user postgresql password 'secret'; create database postgresql owner postgresql; 

every time cap deploy, error:

fatal: peer authentication failed user "postgresql" 

i tried putting invalid username know doesn't exist, database invalid error message same. according postgresql website, should getting different errors those...

if can help, that'd amazing. thank you!

you need specify host password authentication.

production:   adapter: postgresql   encoding: unicode   database: postgresql   pool: 5   host: localhost   username: postgresql   password: secret 

more details here


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