php - ooyala not syncing description or labels with ooyala's backlot using drupals version 6 module. -

recently on our site ooyala's v1 api stopped allowing sync ooyala's backlot. our site built on drupal, version 6. upgraded latest version 6 ooyala module , made changes our local code. can use drupal_http_request() sync title won't sync description or labels ooyala's backlot. below function i'm using.

     $request_test = video_update_ooyala_info($embed_code, $node->title, $node->field_video_description[0]['value']);          drupal_set_message("-request=          ".print($request_test)."          -function:  </br>--".var_dump($embed_code)."          </br>--title: ".$node->title."          </br>--description: ".$node->field_video_description[0]['value']. "         </br>--failed sync title , description ooyala. please try saving again.", 'warning');      }      function video_update_ooyala_info($embedcode, $title, $description) {   $ooyala_api = new ooyaladrupalwrapper('sksnukyfa0t8lxs0ft2wmgisftvkrtlvtfljswp8', '52ow06cjsttaayzsm0kw3zoskvxa.qxrid');   $request = $ooyala_api->signed_params(     array(       'embedcode' => $embedcode,       'title' => $title,       'description' => $description,     )   );  $request_headers = array('content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');   $request_method = 'patch';   $response = drupal_http_request("",$request_headers,$request_method,$request);    $success = false;   if ($response->data) {     $success = ($response->data == '200');   }    return $response; } 

this output message get.

-request= -function:

--title: test title --description: test description --failed sync title , description ooyala. please try saving again.

so title , description attached on same http request , embed code correct. title sync backlot description not. request ooyala empty. not sure going on. in pointing me in right direction appreciated.

also in errors logs receive error ooyala.api on foreach statement.

invalid argument supplied foreach() in /sites/all/modules/ooyala/includes/ on line 316.

    function ooyala_api_video_label_add($embed_code, $labels) {   $ooyala_api = new ooyaladrupalwrapper();  foreach ($embed_code $embed) {      $ooyala_api->api->request(post, "/v2/assets/$embed/labels", json_encode(array_values($labels)));   } } 

after weeks working on ooyala confirmed there bug in drupal module. written in partnership lullabot.

they release in next update. 6.x-2.beta5


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